With this book, everyone, literally everyone (since it is prepared in such a way that it doesn’t matter how old, intelligent or educated you are), will come to know themselves and what they’d be like if they had been raised with love, responsibly and with the right information. Everyone. Kids will be taught at an early age about the traps in the world and which path leads to their happiness. Those who are older will find inner peace and wisdom. These two bring health. You and can find the cornerstone we have been looking for to start doing things right. It’s all in the book. Simply and concisely.
This book can touch everyone. It’s simple, clear and short enough. And it practically has it all. It is designed as a device to raise consciousness and does not ramble on about or contain the secrets of personal growth. Without knowing what is in this book, nothing can be of help. Nothing at all. A house cannot stand for long without any foundations.
So please have a good look at what you’ve just received. Then imagine what would happen with millions of people on this planet who need the exact same thing in their hands.
Thank you for your precious time.
Yan Myr